Can a Cat Die From Stress? – Causes And Solution

You may be wondering “Can a cat die from stress?” As an observant cat owner, it may become easier for you to notice changes in how your cat behaves(since they are masters of hiding pain ), such as losing appetite, hiding, and so on, which leads to the question —can cats die from stress?
Just like in humans, stress may not directly kill your cat, but the symptoms associated with anxiety will catalyze what will kill your cat. by the end of this article, you should be able to identify what causes stress for your cat and how to help and relieve your cat of stress.
Table of Contents
- What is stress?
- Can a cat die from stress?
- Signs That Your Cat Is Stressed
- Causes of Stress in Cats
- How to Reduce Stress in Cats
- When to See a Vet for a Stressed Cat
- Can a cat die of stress? -Conclusion
What is stress?
Stress could be said to be the mental, emotional strain or tension that arises in response to demanding circumstances. The change in environment, presence of an abuser, lack of attention, and a sudden introduction of a new pet can cause tension or create an emotional strain for your cat.
You don’t need to be an animal behavioral scientist; it shouldn’t be hard to notice your cat is stressed directly; most times, you can innocently carry out an activity that could stress your cat out.
Cats who are constantly stressed can become sick and even die. So it’s essential to identify the signs of stress in cats and do what you can to reduce the amount of stress they experience.
Can a cat die from stress?
Yes, your cat could die from stress, but not directly. When a cat is stressed, its food becomes less appealing—which means it is at danger of not getting enough taurine—which can lead to the development of cardiomyopathy, poor white-cell function, retinal degeneration, and improper growth and development
Beyond the loss of appetite, other symptoms may be antisocial symptoms such as; aggression, hiding, and possibly running away from the house. Your best action is to identify the stressors and clip the causes—which includes you making your feline friend as relaxed as possible; if a new pet causes the stress, you can use vanilla extracts to resolve the problem.
Signs That Your Cat Is Stressed

So how can you tell if your cat is stressed? Cats are experts at hiding their feelings, so it can be tough to tell. But here are some signs to watch out for:
- Your cat is hiding more than usual.
- Your cat isn’t eating or drinking as much as expected.
- Your cat is scratching more than usual.
- Your cat is meowing more than usual.
- Your cat is shaking or trembling.
If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to take action right away. The sooner you address the problem, the better
Causes of Stress in Cats

When your cat is stressed, You will likely be stressed, especially when you can’t figure out what makes your cat stressed. Some things that fear your cat can be pretty obvious( such as dog fireworks), while you can easily miss some other stressors because they may not look so significant to you.
1. Lack of socialization
A lesser discussed cause of stress in cats is lack of socialization. It is essential to socialize your cat with everything they need to see and know throughout their lives. from the 0 to the eighth week of a cat’s life is very important, it’s the window where and when you should show them everything they will be seeing as adults; other pets, people, cars, sound, and the environment.
A kitten has a boring or bringing, where do I not socialized at all or socialized enough, it will end up getting stressed often as an adult cat. But in a situation where your cat is not socialized, repeat the number the best thing you can do for the car is to try and minimize as many unexpected changes, and if you must enact a change— try to introduce the transition slowly.
2. Presence of Strangers
For both socialized and unsocialized cats, stress could be triggered by any single change in your circle—this includes people in the home( as a result of death, going to college, or divorce) and the introduction of new people to the household( romantic relationships, birth of children, marriage, or your older parents moving in). The presence of strangers is usually the primary cause of stress in cats, according to the scientific world journal.
What to do: introduce them to strangers slowly, involve your cat in plays that could include the stranger, and dole out lots of treats and words of Praise. Ensure your card has the luxury of a cat pod— where it could retire if it needs to step away.
3. Alien smell
Your favorite lemon-scented cleaner may perform an exfoliation or blackhead you’ve been excited to get rid of, but your cat may not share in this excitement; why? Because the cleanser could irritate the cat’s powerful sense of smell, if your cat experiences an offensive odor and cannot get away from that place, this would trigger stress. The same holds for freshly laundered clothes and scented candles.
What to do: get rid of all citizens ( citrus and serves as a repellent for feral and domestic cats ), consider using a detergent that is not scented, or ensure your house is well ventilated.
4. Conflict amongst cats
In a multi-cat home, conflicts between cats are common—although you may be mistaken that your cats are just playing. The biggest mistake you’ll make is to subject your cats to use the same litter box and food bowl(likely, you don’t like peace, and your cats will see to it). A battle for resources could ensue if you let your cats share basic things.
We can’t blame people for deciding to let their cats share these things, it could be a result of financial constraints. This is a common thing as 1 in four cats don’t have their food bowls and more than half were made to share litter boxes with other cats.
What to do: if you just have more than one cat, make sure to buy individual litter boxes(get an extra box if possible) and you can use the following video to learn how to avoid conflicts during meal time:
5. Too much attention
Would you have believed you’ll be a source of stress to your cat? If you’re being too affectionate, it will lead to stress in your cat. You may just want to squeeze that cutie, but your cat would have preferred a brief ear scratch.
What to do: Cats are individual, pay more attention to your cat, and discover those things you do that cause stress, respect your cat’s space. There are other ways of showing love like with treats during playtime
How to Reduce Stress in Cats
1. Make Sure Your Cat Has Everything It Needs
Ensuring your cats have their pod, Litter tray, food, and water bowls, and scratching posts—will help take off stress. Positioning of the above-listed items could also be a stressor, keep the litter boxes far from your kitty’s eating area. Also, ensure your cat’s bed/pod is far from the noisy place and traffic.
2. Respect Your Cat’s Privacy
Cats prefer their own company, they don’t enjoy so much traffic all the time—including other pets children, and cats bugging them. Cat love to escape from chaotic environments and places, ensuring they have the space to do so—this will positively their stress levels. A high quiet spot is preferred.
3. Don’t handle your cat if he doesn’t want you to
Some cats love to be rubbed for longer periods, while others will prefer their own space. Pay attention to your cat’s body language, they should be able to move away from you at will.
4. Help your cat to handle changes proactively
Cats are routine, routine are cats. Routine is an important word in a cat’s life, anything that districts a cat’s routine could be perceived as a stressor to your cat. Be it a plan to move into a new house, or welcoming a new family member(baby) into the home—it is important to prepare your feline friend for any changes that are about to take place.
When to See a Vet for a Stressed Cat
If you’re noticing that your cat is acting differently than expected, and you think they might be stressed, there are a few things you can do to help. The best thing is to take them to a vet and get them professional help.
Stressed cats can suffer from various physical and psychological problems, so it’s essential to get them the help they need as soon as possible. Some things a vet might check for include hair loss, changes in eating habits, changes in sleeping habits, and changes in behavior.
If your cat exhibits any of these symptoms, it’s time to see a vet. They might have an illness or injury causing them to feel stressed, or something might be happening in the environment that’s stressing them out.
Can a cat die of stress? -Conclusion
Your cat can die from stress. Cats typically hide their illnesses, so you may not even know your cat is stressed until it’s too late.
There are a few things you can do to help reduce your cat’s stress and keep them healthy and happy just as we listed above—spend time playing with your cat, give them plenty of toys and scratch posts to scratch, and make sure they have a comfortable place to sleep.
If you’re ever worried that your cat is stressed, don’t hesitate to take them to the vet. Early detection is vital in preventing any severe health problems.