Is Mugwort Safe for Cats? Everything You Need To Know

Cats love plants and herbs, especially those from the mint family. Herbs are easy to grow, even over a small pot. For those who love nature, we can’t imagine a house without a garden to grow our plants and herbs. Plants and herbs have multiple uses; extracts from vanilla are used in ending fights between cats.
However, if you have a pet at home, it is a wise option to scrutinize the plants or herbs you intend to plant in your garden or little spaces inside the house. Some plants that are safe for humans can be deadly for cats.
Is mugwort safe for cats? Yes, mugwort is safe for cats. It is not poisonous to cats in small quantities. Its tea is used to eliminate parasitic worms in cats. However, the saps of mugwort will irritate your cat’s gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting in your cat. Also, it contains thujone that could cause seizures if consumed in large quantities.
Table of Contents
- What is Mugwort?
- Is mugwort safe for cats?
- Is mugwort toxic to cats?
- Plants and Herbs that are safe for cats
- Symptoms of Plant Toxicity in Cats
- Treatment Of Plant Toxicity In Cats
- Is Mugwort Toxic to Cats? – Final Thoughts
What is Mugwort?
Several species of aromatic flowering plants in the genus Artemisia are known as mugwort. Mugwort is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The best-known species is the common mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), widespread in Europe, Asia, and North America. Other species include:
- A. argyi, native to China
- A. stelleriana, native to coastal areas of northeastern Asia and North America
- A. tridentata, native to western North America
Mugwort has a long history of use in traditional medicine and folk magic. In Europe, mugwort was used to flavor beer before the advent of hops. It is still used in some traditional beers in Germany. Mugwort is also used as a culinary herb in many Asian dishes.
The plant’s leaves and flowers are used to make a variety of medicines. Mugwort is said to have bitter, sweet, and astringent properties. It has been used to treat digestive disorders, anxiety, and insomnia. Mugwort is also sometimes used as a stimulant or to induce sweating.
Mugwort is a member of the daisy family (Asteraceae). The plant can grow up to four feet tall and produces small, yellow-green flowers. Mugwort is a hardy plant that can tolerate various growing conditions. It prefers full sun but will also grow in partial shade.
If you are looking for a plant to add to your garden, mugwort is a good choice. It is easy to grow and can add interest to your garden with its pretty flowers and aromatic leaves.
Is mugwort safe for cats?
Mugwort is a common herb often used in cooking and traditional medicine. It is also known as wild wormwood, chrysanthemum weed, and old man’s beard is safe for people, but it can cause issues for your cat.
The herb contains a compound called thujone, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures in cats. If your cat ingests mugwort, it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately.
If you grow mugwort in your garden, make sure to keep it out of reach of your cat. In addition, be sure to clean up any mugwort your cat may have brought in from outside.
Is mugwort toxic to cats?

Mugwort is not toxic to cats; mugwort will not cause toxin damage to your cat’s organs. However, you should be aware of the irritants in mugwort’s sap; these irritants will trigger diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach, and pain.
Toxicity in cats can be a severe problem. Cats are curious creatures who often put their noses where they shouldn’t. This can lead to them licking or chewing on things they shouldn’t, which can be toxic.
Several everyday household items can be toxic to cats. These include plants, cleaning products, medications, and even some foods. It’s essential to be aware of these potential hazards and to keep them out of reach of your feline friend.
If you think your cat has been exposed to toxicity, it’s critical to act quickly. With prompt treatment, most cases of toxicity can be resolved without any lasting effects. However, it’s always better to prevent toxicity in the first place. Keep your cat safe by keeping potential hazards out of reach, and be sure to call your vet immediately if you think your cat has been exposed to something toxic.
Plants and Herbs that are safe for cats
It’s no secret that cats love plants. They often nibble on leaves and grass and sometimes even chew on flowers. While most plants are harmless to cats, a few can be toxic.
To help keep your kitty safe, we’ve compiled a list of common household plants and herbs safe for cats.
Aloe Vera
An easy-to-grow succulent, aloe vera is a popular houseplant that is also safe for cats. The gel inside the leaves can help soothe cuts and burns, making it a great plant to have on hand in an emergency.
A staple in many kitchens, basil is a fragrant herb safe for cats. Some cats even enjoy nibbling on the leaves. Just keep an eye on your kitty, as too much basil can cause an upset stomach.
A member of the mint family, catnip is a perennial herb that is safe for cats. Many kitties enjoy nibbling on the leaves, and some even roll around. While catnip is safe for cats, it can be harmful if ingested in large quantities.
A member of the daisy family, chamomile is a popular herbal tea that is also safe for cats. Chamomile tea can help soothe an upset stomach, and the fresh flowers make a lovely addition to any bouquet.
Also known as coriander, cilantro is a fragrant herb safe for cats. While some kitties enjoy nibbling on the leaves, cilantro can be harmful if ingested in large quantities.
A member of the carrot family, dill is a popular herb safe for cats. Dill pickles are a favorite snack for many kitties, but the fresh leaves can also be nibbled on. Just be sure to monitor your kitty, as too much dill can cause an upset stomach.
Also known as coneflower, echinacea is a perennial flower that is safe for cats. The flowers can be used to make a tea that boosts the immune system, and the dried flowers make a beautiful addition to any bouquet.
A member of the carrot family, fennel is a popular herb safe for cats. Fennel seeds are often used in cooking, and the fresh leaves can be nibbled on. Just be sure to monitor your kitty, as too much fennel can cause an upset stomach.
A popular spice, ginger is safe for cats when used in small quantities. Ginger can help soothe an upset stomach, and the fresh root can be grated and added to food. Just be sure not to give your kitty too much ginger, as it can cause diarrhea.
A member of the mint family, lavender is a popular herb that is safe for cats. The flowers and leaves can be used to make a calming tea, and the essential oil can be used to relax your kitty. Just be sure not to give your kitty too much lavender, as it can cause vomiting.
Lemon Balm
A member of the mint family, lemon balm is a fragrant herb that is safe for cats. The leaves can be used to make a tea that is said to have calming properties, and the fresh leaves can be nibbled on. Just be sure not to give your kitty too much lemon balm, as it can cause an upset stomach.
A member of the daisy family, the marigold is a popular flower that is safe for cats. The flowers can be used to make a tea that is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, and the fresh flowers make a beautiful addition to any bouquet.
A carrot family member, parsley is a popular herb safe for cats. The fresh leaves can be nibbled on, and parsley is often used as a garnish. Just be sure not to give your kitty too much parsley, which can cause an upset stomach.
A member of the mint family, rosemary is a popular herb that is safe for cats. The leaves can be used to make a tea that is said to have calming properties, and the fresh leaves can be nibbled on. Just be sure not to give your kitty too much rosemary, as it can cause vomiting.
A member of the mint family, sage is a popular herb safe for cats. The leaves can be used to make a tea that is said to have calming properties, and the fresh leaves can be nibbled on.
Symptoms of Plant Toxicity in Cats
If you have a cat, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of plant toxicity. Cats are curious creatures and often like to nibble on leaves and grass. While most plants are harmless, there are some that can be toxic to cats.
Signs and symptoms of plant toxicity in cats can include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, loss of appetite, lethargy, and difficulty walking. If your cat has any of these symptoms, it’s important to take them to the vet immediately. A cat that has ingested a toxic plant may need to be hospitalized for treatment.
There are many common household plants that are toxic to cats. Some of these include lilies, tulips, azaleas, rhododendrons, oleander, and sago palms. If you have any of these plants in your home, it’s important to keep them out of reach of your cat. If you suspect that your cat has ingested a toxic plant, call your vet or the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
Treatment Of Plant Toxicity In Cats
When it comes to plant toxicity in cats, there are a few different things that you can do in order to treat the issue. The first thing that you need to do is to identify the plant that your cat has ingested. Once you have done this, you will need to contact your veterinarian in order to get their opinion on the best course of treatment.
If the plant that your cat has ingested is not poisonous, then the best course of action is to simply let them vomit it up. If the plant is poisonous, then you will need to take them to the vet immediately in order to get the proper treatment.
There are a few different treatments that your vet may recommend for plant toxicity in cats. The first thing that they may do is to give your cat a saline solution in order to help them vomit up the plant. They may also give them a medication called activated charcoal, which will help to absorb the toxins from the plant.
If the plant toxicity is severe, then your vet may recommend that you take your cat to the emergency room. Here, they will likely give them a IV of fluids in order to flush the toxins out of their system. They may also give them a blood transfusion if the toxicity is severe enough.
No matter what, it is important that you take your cat to the vet as soon as possible if you think that they have ingested a poisonous plant. The sooner you get them treatment, the better their chances are of making a full recovery.
Is Mugwort Toxic to Cats? – Final Thoughts
Mugwort is a plant that contains a chemical called thujone. Thujone is a neurotoxin that can cause seizures and death in animals. However, mugwort does not contain enough thujone to kill a cat. In fact, the amount of thujone in mugwort is so low that it would take a cat eating a large amount of mugwort to even get sick.
So, if you’re wondering if mugwort is poisonous to cats, the answer is no. However, that doesn’t mean that mugwort is safe for cats to eat. If a cat eats a large amount of mugwort, they could still get sick or even die. So, it’s best to keep your cat away from this plant.