Is It Okay To Cage My Cat At Night – Extensive Guide

When you have bonded or trying to bond with your cat, you may have questions like: is it okay to cage my cat at night?
Caging your cat at night may seem like a cruel thing to do, but in most cases, it’s the best thing you should do. Some behavioral changes or abnormal behaviors in cats can be curtailed by simply caging them at night, while in some other cases; medical issues will require you to cage your cat at night.
When we talk about caging cats, we’re not talking about putting them in jail! Caging a cat simply means having them confined to a specific space, like a room or a crate.
There are pros and cons to caging your cat at night. On the one hand, it can give you peace of mind knowing that your kitty is safe and sound in one spot. On the other hand, it can be stressful for your cat to be confined and can lead to problems like litter box avoidance or even worse, Chewing on furniture.
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about confining a cat in the night, the pros and the cons.
Table of Contents
- Introduction: Why Caging Your Cat at night is an Important Part of the House Routine
- How to Set Up a Cat Cage for Your Feline Friend?
- How Can I Make My Cat Comfortable in a Cage at Night?
- What Are Some Signs That My Cat Is Stressed in a Cage at Night?
- What Are Some Alternatives to caging your cat at night?
- Cat Trees
- Exercise
- Toys
- Scratching Posts
- Diet
- Can I put my cat in a kennel at night?
- Where should cats sleep at night?
- When You Should NOT Cage Your Cat at Night
- Conclusion
Introduction: Why Caging Your Cat at night is an Important Part of the House Routine
Cats carry out lots of funny acts at night, like bitting you while you sleep, waking you from sleep, meowing at 4 am, jumping on you while you sleep–if they need attention, and they don’t like to be confined to a cage at night.
Is it okay to cage my cat at night? Yes, especially when they are new since new cats love to hide or even escape from the house. Caging a cat at night will also prevent the cat from disturbing you while you sleep at night. Ensure you don’t cage an adult cat who has adapted to the proceedings of the house.
Here are reasons why it’s important to cage your cat at night:
To help your feline friend adjust
If you just got a new kitten to your home, it’s a bad idea to leave them loose around the house, you’ll spend the coming days looking for them around the house or even in your neighborhood.
Should kittens sleep in a crate? Crating is an excellent way to ensure your kitten doesn’t put himself into trouble at night, it’ll also allow them time to get accustomed to their new environment and people since you won’t be available to supervise them at night.
Crating when the cat is sick
Asides from dental disease that could stem, as a result of not brushing a cats teeth(which over 70% of cat owners don’t do), cats are generally healthy, but it’s a normal occurrence for medical issues to arise from time to time especially if they don’t get appropriate check-ups, and if they are outdoor cats.
When a cat is ill, it can be a pain in the head–getting the cats to take their medications, this is why it’s good to cage a cat at night, you don’t have to look for them when you need to administer their medications, also, you’ll be able to watch them and see if any emergency steps are needed.
Crating will also help protect a sick cat in a multi-cat home.
Caging after surgery
After surgery, the vets would advise against running, jumping, and other arduous activities that could place strain on the cat’s stitches and wound. Usually, most cats return home scared, and stressed kit from surgical procedures, this is why you have to cage them and ensure they don’t tear open their stitches, or hide where you won’t be able to monitor their recovery.
Ensure you provide water and food, and keep an eye on the cat, in as much as we need to ensure the safety of our cat, we still don’t want to keep them in the cage–longer than they should be, get in touch with your vet to decide the appropriate amount of time you could keep your cat in a cage.
Training the Cat to use its litter box
Kittens instinctively get used to using their litter box, and they keep using it except if you don’t clean it, or they fall ill. This isn’t so for some kittens, as they will still need extra lessons.
A kitten in a big enough cage that can house its litter box, speeds up the process of learning to use the litter box. Your feline friends are naturally very clean, they will never want to soil their wedding, except on a car ride.
If a kitten starts showing signs of abnormal bathroom habits, you may want to see a vet–the abnormal bathroom habit may be a result of an underlying health issue.
Taming wild cats
You may have adopted a feral cat in a bid to help with the overpopulation of cats in the US, but you also discovered you’ve got yourself an escape artist. Feral cats will escape from the house at every slightest opening they see.
The feral cat won’t take it so easy, but this is a necessary step to help and get the cat socialized.
To protect your kitten
Cats love to hide and they sleep for about 15 hours daily, and they will never trade their alone time for anything. If traffic becomes much in the house, they will sneak away to their pods or caves and relax.
Cats can get sneaky or even have double personalities(running away to another person who has been showing it more care and attention outside). If you have guests who will be staying over at your place for the night, it’s best to cage your cat–to avoid someone letting the cat loose, or to prevent the cat from carrying out a crazy stunt at night.
This shouldn’t apply to all cats, some cats have adapted to the way things happen around the home, and may not be a cause to worry–these cats may develop anxiety from being caged for long periods–you should only cage new cats or cats that have not been socialized properly or neutered.
Introducing new cats
Crating is very important when considering bringing a new cat to the home. Cats eventually get along with each other, but this could take weeks or months–introducing cats with vanilla extracts may speed up the process.
Crating will allow kitties to behold and sniff each other without physical contact–which could lead to fights. Crating will also make it easier for you to stop a cat from bullying another cat over territory, food, and toys. Crating the bullying cat while you’re sleeping, will ensure that scuffles don’t ensue while you’re sleeping.
How to Set Up a Cat Cage for Your Feline Friend?
Setting up a cage for your cat requires you to think like a cat, caging a cat at night is a whole new experience for the cat, you don’t have to make it seem like a cage, and you can go the extra mile and make it comfortable.
Get into the cats mind
If you were to be a cat what would interest you in a cage? What will turn you off? You have to take into consideration sounds, smells, sights, and every other kitty factor.
Would you be disturbed by air filters or the whirr of the fan, would you be frightened by the sights of other dogs, cats, and even people when you’re placed in a vulnerable position?
What will you like to be made available for you? Foods? Water? Litter trays?. In as much as you may be trying to correct a behavioral problem with the cage, it’s also good to make the game a very comfortable one, so the cat could be open to his correction lessons. You don’t want to contribute to noise pollution by crating the cat in an uncomfortable cage, where it’ll have to meow all night.
Create a safe relaxing spot
After you have decided on the needs of your cat, you will like to site the cage in a safe and relaxed spot where your cat will love it.
Cats mistake some of our regular everyday activities for aggression. Activities such as; tossing food bowls, shouting conversations, and slamming doors–these activities will naturally send them running for a safe spot.
This is why where ever you sit the cage has to be void of disturbances and noise. You should also ensure the doors of the cage are not clanging against each other, you can use tape on the side of the irons that hit each other, each time you close the cage.
Provision of basic needs and space
The very first thing you should do is to ensure you’ve placed everything the cat will need to survive, you can invest in auto-feeders if you don’t want food laying around all day long.
We understand our kitties spend lots of hours sleeping, but they still have 8-9 hours of being awake–play with them, and perform all stimulating activities that you can, this will ensure crating the cat at night doesn’t lead to behavioral problems.
Invest in a big cage that can contain all the pet’s needs, you don’t need a cage where the litter box will take up the space, you’ll end up having a dissatisfied cat. Allow enough room for the cat–where he could play, eat and use its litter box without feeling deprived.
Finally, throw in some toys and send the cat to heavenly bliss. Get creative with the cage, you can link in fun things that will keep the cat engaged. Cats love to rub their head against a brush, why don’t you knot in a brush?
See this video on how to crate train a cat:
How Can I Make My Cat Comfortable in a Cage at Night?
Having cats willingly walk into their crates/cages at night is usually not an easy task, where ever they see a cage, they walk in the opposite direction. It is supposed to be so–the cat has associated the crate with a carrier used in transmitting him to the vet or unwanted places.
Since you need to place your cat in a cage, how do you make it more comfortable for the cat at night?
How Can I Make My Cat Comfortable in a Cage at Night? Choose the right cage, turn the cage into a cat-bliss, make his crate smell like the house, lure the cat with treats, and keep the doors open, except when you need to cage the cat.
Choose the right cage
Get a cage with two doors, one door at the side and one at the front. Sleep with the cushions or towel you will be using inside the cage, this will make the cage smell like you–comforting the cat in the process, clean the litter box before it is sleep time.
Turn the cage into a cat bliss
The more reason why we asked you to make room in the cat’s cage, the more the space, the more creative you can get. You can tie a ball or a ring to a rope, this will give the cat something to use as a punching bag.
Ensure to leave your cat with treats, you can use healthy pumpkin treats or any treat of your choice to make the night-stay worth it.
What Are Some Signs That My Cat Is Stressed in a Cage at Night?
It may have seemed like you solved a problem by caging the cat at night, but what if you are stressing the cat mentally, how will you know?
Urinating outside the litter box
When your cat is stressed from being in the cage through the night, you’ll notice that it has urinated outside its litter box. This is to show dissatisfaction with being left in the cage throughout the night.
This is not always the case as they might have peed outside their litter box as a result of an underlying disease, get in contact with your vet if you notice any more symptoms like vomiting or difficulty in passing feces.
Hiding away from you, when you let him free
If your cat hides away from you and other people when you let him out of the cage, this is a sign that your cat is stressed by being inside that cage all night long. You may want to consider other methods of correcting the cat.
This act is also accompanied by inactivity, lack of interest in routine, and your cat becoming antisocial. If you notice any of these signs, you may consider cutting short the crating.
Change in appetite
If your cat is becoming a fussy eater or ignoring his food outrightly, this is a sign that the crate is stressing them out, consider reducing their time in the crate, spending more time with them, or cutting off the crating.
Refusal to be handled
A cat that is stressed by being in the crate will sleep more or less, asides from that, they will hate to be touched. This can be an issue, especially if it’s a double-coated cat that needs to be brushed even when they don want to be–brushing them will ensure their natural oil is spread around their skin, they don’t leave dander and hairs around the furniture, and they don’t have hairballs.
What Are Some Alternatives to caging your cat at night?
As a pet owner, you want to do what’s best for your furry friend. And if you’re like many people, that means caging your cat at night.
But is caging your cat at night the best thing for them? Are there any alternatives?
In this post, we’ll explore some alternatives to caging your cat at night and help you decide what’s right for your feline friend.
Cat Trees
There are a lot of different options out there when it comes to finding an alternative to caging your cat at night. One popular option is a cat tree.
Cat trees are exactly what they sound like—a piece of furniture that is specifically made for cats to scratch, climb and play on. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be made from a variety of materials, including wood, carpet, and sisal.
Many cats love climbing and playing on cat trees, so they can be a great way to keep your cat entertained and out of trouble at night.
There are a few alternatives to caging your cat at night. One is to exercise them. Playtime is important for cats, and it can also help wear them out so they’re less active at night.
Another option is to keep them in a room where they can’t get into trouble. This might mean setting up a cat playpen or simply closing off doors to other parts of the house.
Finally, you can try using a Feliway diffuser. These plug-in diffusers release calming pheromones that can help ease your cat’s anxiety and keep them from wreaking havoc at night.
One of the best Alternatives to caging your cat at night is by providing them with plenty of toys. This can keep them amused and distracted from trying to escape. Toys can also help keep your cat active and healthy, which is important for its overall well-being.
There are a variety of different types of toys that you can give your cat, including balls, mice, rubber bands, and scratching posts. It’s important to switch things up regularly so your cat doesn’t get bored and to make sure they have plenty of space to play.
Scratching Posts
If you’re looking for a way to keep your cat safe at night without caging them, a scratching post is a great option. Scratching posts help to keep cats entertained and help to wear down their nails, which can reduce the amount of damage they do to your furniture.
There are a variety of different scratching posts available, so you can find one that fits your budget and your cat’s personality. Some cats prefer tall posts with perches they can climb on, while others prefer short, horizontal posts covered in fabric. Experiment until you find the scratching post that your cat loves the most.
So you’re not a fan of caging your cat at night? Well, that’s understandable. But before you panic, there are a few alternatives you can try. One option is to keep your cat on a restricted diet during the day. This means only giving them limited access to food, so they’re not as likely to roam around at night looking for food.
Another option is to feed your cat a specially formulated diet designed to keep them calm and content. There are a lot of different options out there, so you can find one that fits your cat’s individual needs.
And finally, if all else fails, you can always try out a cat behavior modification program. This involves training your cat to follow specific commands, so they’re more likely to listen and stay close to home at night.
Can I put my cat in a kennel at night?
There’s no easy answer when it comes to caging your cat at night. On one hand, it can provide a sense of security for your cat, especially if it’s used to sleeping in a kennel. On the other, some cats may feel cramped or stressed in a kennel, which can lead to problems like litter box avoidance.
The best solution is to try caging your cat at night and see how it responds. If your cat seems agitated or uncomfortable, try letting it roam free at night instead.
Where should cats sleep at night?
The best place for cats to sleep at night is in a designated area, like a cat bed or basket. This will give them their own space to relax and feel safe, without having to worry about being disturbed by people or other animals.
If you’re not comfortable with letting your cat sleep in your bedroom, you can always create a special area for them in another part of the house. Just be sure to provide plenty of warm and comfortable bedding, as well as a litter box and some toys to keep them amused.
When You Should NOT Cage Your Cat at Night
There are times when it’s not necessary—or even recommended—to cage your cat at night. For example, if your cat is older or has health issues, it’s best to let them roam free at night. Additionally, if your cat is used to having free reign of the house during the day, it’s probably not a good idea to suddenly cage them at night. They may become anxious or stressed, which could negatively impact their health.
If you’re still unsure whether or not you should cage your cat at night, consult with your veterinarian or a qualified animal behaviorist for advice.
We have wrapped up this topic, providing you with an extensive guide on if it is okay to cage your cat at night. If you have any questions, do let us know…