Can Male Cats Mate With Other Male Cats? 5 Underlying Issues You Should Know

Can Male Cats Mate With Other Male Cats? Weird right? This would be like the 100th time you’ll be seeing your younger male cat trying to hump on its older brother, so can male cats mate with other male cats?
Your male cat is only Humping your other male cat as a result of raging hormones, or your cats are just trying to impose their dominance because male cats can’t penetrate another male cat. There’s no need to panic!
Hormones are the main factor that causes cat humping, which is a natural occurrence. As part of the sex act, intact male cats will hump female cats. They might also hump other male cats in the house, which is considered to be a sign of dominance by the majority of experts, let’s learn more
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Table of Contents
- Can Male Cats Mate With Other Male Cats
- Why Is My Male Cat Trying To Mate My Other Male Cat?
- Health Effects Of Male Cats Attempting Mating With Other Male Cats
- How to prevent male cats humping on other male cats
- Can Male Cats Mate With Other Male Cats – Final Thoughts
Can Male Cats Mate With Other Male Cats
Male cats are known for their passionate and playful nature. But did you know that they can also engage in same-sex mating? Yes, it’s true – male cats can mate with other male cats without penetration of course.
This phenomenon, known as male-male mounting or humping, is not uncommon in the feline world. While it may seem strange to us humans, male cat humping is a natural behavior among cats.
It’s important to note that male cats humping do not necessarily mean that the cats are homosexual. Humping is a normal behavior for cats and does not necessarily reflect their sexual orientation.
Despite being a natural behavior, male cats humping can be a source of distress for pet owners. If your cat is humping other male cats, you may want to try to redirect their attention to a toy or other activity. You should also make sure that your cat is neutered, as this can help reduce the urge to hump.
Why Is My Male Cat Trying To Mate My Other Male Cat?

It is not unusual for male cats to attempt to mate with other male cats. While it may seem strange, it is actually quite common and can be caused by a variety of factors.
Un-neutered Cats
Male cats may be trying to mate with other males because they are not neutered. un-neutered male cats are more likely to display sexual behavior than those that have been neutered. It is also possible that the male cats are attempting to mate with each other because they are in heat. Male cats in heat will often become quite aggressive and may attempt to mate with other males in their vicinity.
It’s believed that male cats humping is a way for them to assert dominance. So your male cat will often hump other males to show them who’s boss, or just out of curiosity, or even as a way to practice mating with female cats.
Anxiety and Stress
The male cats may be attempting to mate with each other because they are seeking comfort, especially when they are stressed or anxious. Male cats are social animals and may seek out companionship from other male cats to feel safe and secure
Underlying health issues
When your male cat is trying to mate with other male cats, it could be that your cat is just bored, and has nothing else to do with all the energy he has in him. It could also be an underlying health issue, for example, UTIs.
This could be the case if your tomcat is always licking his penis. The smells that come from urinary tract infections or anal sac infections might cause sexual attraction despite how unpleasant they may seem to us.
If you notice any strange behavior during this time, do not hesitate to call your vet for pointers on how you can handle the situation.
Hormone-related issues
Well, even when your male cat has been neutered, there are times when it can experience certain levels of hormone imbalance, prompting it to hump on other male cats, or whatever is available and near him. Neutering does not necessarily turn off hormone signals in the cat’s body, it can only reduce them, and this can sometimes leave the cat in a confusing state.
Health Effects Of Male Cats Attempting Mating With Other Male Cats
Male cats attempting to mate with other male cats is a common behavior that is often seen in domestic cats, but it is important to understand the health effects that this behavior can have on your cat.
Male cats will often attempt to mate with other male cats to establish dominance, mark their territory, or simply out of instinct. This behavior can be quite dangerous, as it can lead to physical injuries, infections, and even life-threatening illnesses.
When two male cats attempt to mate, they can cause severe physical injuries, including scratches, bites, and even broken bones. In addition, cats can also spread infections, such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV). These infections can be passed from one cat to another and can be deadly if left untreated.
In addition to physical injuries and infections, male cats attempting to mate with other male cats can also cause psychological trauma. Cats that are subjected to this type of behavior may become stressed, anxious, and even aggressive. This can lead to behavioral issues, such as spraying, yowling, and fighting, which can be dangerous for both cats and humans.
If you notice your male cat attempting to mate with another male cat, it is important to separate them immediately. If possible, it is also a good idea to take your cat to the vet for a check-up, so that any potential infections or illnesses can be treated.
How to prevent male cats humping on other male cats
Aside from being aware of the risks associated with male cats attempting to mate with other male cats, it is important to take steps to ensure the health and safety of both cats, by doing your possible best to prevent your male cat from engaging in such aggressive behaviors.
The behavior will gradually stop thanks to neutering. Give it time, though, if they’ve only recently been neutered. After neutering, the male’s testosterone levels must drop for a few weeks before there is minimal to no sex or dominance urge.
Introduce cat toys
When you notice your male cat attempting to hump another male cat, it just shows how much energy your cat has in him. Introducing cat toys will keep him really occupied in his life and as a result, there will be a reduction in aggressive behaviors.
Bring out their toys, make sure each cat has his toys to avoid fighting, then put them in their separate spaces to play, playing a lot will totally exhaust your cat.
Create Territories during peak sexual periods
Giving your cats greater room to expand their individual territories might also be helpful. Give each cat its cat tree and window perch because cats love to climb. Installing raised paths for your cats to explore can even be enjoyable.
For necessities, you may occasionally need to provide every cat with its room. Water and food bowls should ideally be placed in separate areas to prevent competition for resources.
You should also adhere to the “two plus one” litter box rule, which states that you need three boxes for every two cats. To ease tensions and ensure that all cats have their privacy, make sure that these are not visible to one another, this results in every cat knowing its place and boundaries.
Spend more time with the cat
If you’ve got more time on your hands, how about you take your male cats for a walk, together? Giving them the same amount of attention can make them see how less different or equal they are, they can begin to see eye to eye on things because they know you love them the same, and there would be no need to establish dominance through mating.
Offer distractions
You can always Clap your hands vigorously or drop a book to the ground, or do something spontaneous that would distract your cat if you spot your cat about to hump. You might also give a humping male a plush animal in the hopes that he will leave your male cat (or you) alone, even very smart cats always fall for this trick.
Reward good behavior
Find strategies to praise your male cat for acting well. When he is calm and getting along well with your other cats, you can reward him with treats, toys, or additional attention. Compared to traditional methods of punishment like yelling or squirting him with water, this is significantly more effective. Of course, you should never to strike your cat.
This will encourage him to act right, I mean, who doesn’t like a good treat? Although this doesn’t take away his nature of attempting to hump other male cats, it will most certainly reduce the urge.
Can Male Cats Mate With Other Male Cats – Final Thoughts
I understand how embarrassing it can be when your cat chooses to start humping or mounting other male cats. This feeling may even get worse when you catch them trying to mount your guest.
But there’s hardly anything to be worried or embarrassed about if your guest is a fan of pets and doesn’t get angry at your cat, I think it’s okay because Cats will always try to hump on something from time to time, it is a natural behavior.
However, if it becomes too much, take him to the vet to cross out any form of underlying illnesses.