Can Cats Have Heavy Whipping Cream? 3 Alternative You Should Know

My panting ragdoll had her birthday last Thursday. I made her a small cat-friendly cake, and I was a few seconds from adding heavy whipped cream on top when I wondered if heavy whipped cream is safe for cats to have. I thought there were other cat owners like me puzzled by the decision to let their kitty have some heavy whipped cream, and that has inspired me to put this article together.
Can cats have heavy whipping cream? Yes, cats can safely enjoy heavy whipped cream in moderation. Heavy whipped cream is not toxic for cats, but it has a high sugar and fat content. As an occasional treat, heavy whipped cream is fine, but including it in your cat’s food menu is a bad idea.
It is pretty much a habit for me to add whipped cream to desserts like milkshakes or ice cream. I even add it to my own share of English muffins that I make for my cat, but when it comes to my cat, I don’t just add anything to their foods. The current health status of your cat and its reaction to lactose will determine how much and when it should have heavy whipped cream, if at all.
Table of Contents
- Do cats like heavy Whipping cream?
- Can cats drink heavy whipping cream?
- How Much Whipped Cream Can a Cat Have?
- What Kind of Whipped Cream is Best for Cats?
- My Dog Ate Whipped Cream, Lots of it. What will happen?
- Alternatives to Heavy Whipping Cream For Cats
- Can Cats Have Heavy Whipping Cream? Final Thoughts
Do cats like heavy Whipping cream?
Most cats love and enjoy the taste of heavy whipped cream and will lick up as much as they can at any given time. While cats can’t taste sugar, the high fat content makes it even more appealing to them, as I just figured.
Your fur baby is likely to induce you to give it more heavy whipped cream with kitten eyes, so be careful not to leave out a big portion or it may have all of it.
Can cats drink heavy whipping cream?
Technically, your cat could drink a little heavy cream without any risk of toxicity. However, a cat that is lactose intolerant may experience spells of stomach upset as a result of the sugar and fat content. And if you make it a conventional treat, you could be opening the door for more discomfort or health problems for your cat.
Is heavy Whipping cream good for cats?
While whipping cream may provide your cat with some nutrition; this nutrition is already present in your cat’s quality kibbles and wet foods. Heavy cream can prove to be more detrimental than beneficial, as it could easily cause your cat to surpass its daily calorie intake, leading to unwanted weight gain over time.
Below are the ingredients used in making Heavy whipped cream and how they could impact your cat:
The cream used in making heavy whipped cream contains about 30–36% fat, and this high fat content can be unhealthy for your cat. Also, the cream is a dairy product, and as you already know, most cats are lactose intolerant and will react negatively (in terms of GI upset), as your cat may not be able to digest them well.
The following symptoms could occur if your cat eats or drinks treats high in fat:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Lethargy
- Gastrointestinal Issues
- Pancreatitis
- Cardiac Disorders
Furthermore, cats are sensitive to the lactic acid present in dairy products like sour cream and milk, which could lead to some cats getting sick when they only consume a small amount. Excessive amounts of lactic acid will lead to bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting, which is why you shouldn’t let your kitty have so much heavy whipped cream.
It is absurd when you try giving your cat any treat because you feel they will love the sugar content. First of all, cats lack the receptor to taste sugar, and aside from energy, which can also be gotten from Maltodextrin, sugar contains little to no value for cats; rather, it could lead to health issues over time.
It can be hard to get cats to brush their teeth, and giving these cats sugar without proper dental care could lead to dental issues. Also, most of these commercial Whipped creams could possibly contain substitutes such as high-fructose corn syrup and corn syrup, which could be potentially harmful to cats.
The long-term price your cat may have to pay for sugar intake includes Obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, and possibly hormonal imbalance.
Vanilla Extract
Vanilla extract can be used to help stop fights between cats, but don’t forget that vanilla extracts have as much as 35% alcohol, and it is a generally common addition to most heavy whipped cream. Alcohol is a no-no for cats, either ingested or absorbed through the skin, but the good news is that the percentage of alcohol in the vanilla extract present in the little heavy whipped cream you gave your cat may not be enough to cause any harm.
The weight of your cat is directly proportional to how many calories they consume. Heavy whipped cream has no nutritional benefits and is considered empty calories for your cat, which would only lead to weight gain. Depending on the size of your cat, it may only require a few hundred calories per day, and a little heavy whipped cream can make it exceed your cat’s daily intake.
An average adult cat weighs about 3–4 kg and only requires 40–45 calories per kg, but a tablespoon of Heavy whipped cream contains 51 calories, according to Healthline. With this calculation, you can see that heavy cream is not suitable as a staple treat and should be given in very small quantities.
How Much Whipped Cream Can a Cat Have?
The safe amount of heavy cream to give your cat is a tablespoon or half, and ensure you check the calories your cat could have gotten from its normal food so you don’t exceed its daily calorie intake.
I do give my cat a tablespoonful once a day, but this is because I take her out for leash-free walks. Depending on whether the day is sunny, I may offer her some frosty paws.
What Kind of Whipped Cream is Best for Cats?
If you intend to purchase or make heavy whipped cream specifically for your cats, then you may want to get the vegan, sugar-free, oat, or coconut-heavy whipped cream! All these varieties are low in dairy and will pose little risk to your cat.
Another thing you should note while purchasing some heavy whipped cream for your cat is the ingredient list. A product that includes xylitol should be avoided like a curse, as this artificial sweetener can be severely toxic to cats even in small quantities.
It also makes sense to avoid nut-based, heavy whipped cream, as it will cause your cat stomach problems. The most popular substitute for dairy in most heavy whipped creams is Almonds, and your cat lacks the ability to properly digest them.
My Dog Ate Whipped Cream, Lots of it. What will happen?
Despite being unhealthy, heavy whipped cream is not poisonous to dogs, and there is no cause for alarm; your dog may only react if it is lactose intolerant.
Alternatives to Heavy Whipping Cream For Cats
There are plenty of other treats that are much safer and more appropriate for cats than using heavy whipping cream. These alternatives have been specifically created to prioritize the health of our feline companions and offer a more balanced combination of essential nutrients. Take a look at some of these options you can consider:
Commercial cat treats
There are a wide variety of cat treats available in pet stores. These treats are formulated specifically for cats, taking into account their nutritional needs. Look for treats that are made from high-quality ingredients and are free from artificial additives.
Freeze-Dried Meat Treats
Freeze-dried meat treats for cats are an excellent choice. They are crafted from genuine meat, usually with just one ingredient, and have a high protein content. These treats undergo minimal processing to preserve their natural flavors and nutrients.
Homemade cat treats
If you enjoy baking, you can find recipes online for homemade cat treats. These treats often use simple ingredients like canned tuna, chicken broth, or baby food (to ensure they’re safe for cats). Make sure to follow cat-safe recipes and avoid using ingredients that could be harmful to cats.
Can Cats Have Heavy Whipping Cream? Final Thoughts
Yes! While heavy whipping cream will likely not cause toxicity in cats if given occasionally in tiny amounts, it is generally best avoided as a regular treat or food additive for felines.
The high fat and sugar content offers little nutritional value and can easily lead to obesity and related health problems over time. For cat owners who want to share a taste now and then, just a teaspoon or so of plain heavy cream should not do harm, but it’s wise to monitor for any digestive upset.
Far better options for treats include commercial cat treats, freeze-dried meats, and homemade recipes using cat-safe ingredients. Heavy whipping cream is a human food indulgence that’s better kept away from our feline friends for their long-term health and well-being. As cat owners, we must be diligent in providing a balanced diet and resisting urges to over-treat, no matter how much those eyes beg!