My Cat Ate 10mg Of Adderall – Everything You Should Know About: Toxicity – Symptoms – Treatments

You may be faced with the unfortunate situation of “My cat ate 10mg of Adderall – what do I do?” Cats are quite curious, but they are not necessarily drawn or attracted to drugs, but this is with an exception, as they have a liking to Adderall, and could consume a lot of it at a go despite its bland taste as I discovered when my cat ate 10mg of Adderall.
While effective in addressing ADHD in humans, Adderall or other ADHD drugs can be toxic to cats even in little doses, as they overstimulate the cats, and cause behavioral changes like causing your cat to stare at empty spaces while elevating their heart rate and blood pressure.
This article has been written to enlighten you on what could happen if your cat ate Adderall, the dose that could be fatal or toxic to the cat, if it’s treatable, and symptoms to note that will help you get prompt intervention.
Read: Should cats take baby aspirin?
Table of Contents
- How Do Cats Act On Adderall?
- How Much Adderall Is Toxic To Cats?
- My cat ate 10mg of Adderall – what happens if a cat eats Adderall?
- Will My Cat Die If He Eats Adderall
- How Long Does It Typically Take For A Cat To Recover From Adderall Toxicity
- Final Thoughts
How Do Cats Act On Adderall?
ADHD is not common amongst pets, and just a little dose of ADHD medication is capable of causing serious harm to your feline friends.
ADHD drugs are stimulants, and when your cat takes/ingests tablets of ADHD, the typical sign you’ll see is hyperactivity, or they may for a long time, stay unusually still and stare at thin air or you for long periods.
While increased heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure are what they will experience internally; despite their not being able to move but stare.
How Much Adderall Is Toxic To Cats?
For ADHD in children, Adderall is a commonly prescribed drug in the US, and takes 23% of the market share, which makes it little wonder why cases of cats accidentally consuming Adderall are on the rise.
“What makes Adderall more terrible is that it appeals to your cat’s palate” According to a board-certified veterinary toxicologist, Sharon Brant, who noticed this problem while she worked with the poison control center. Of 152 Cases of cats ingesting drugs reported between the beginning of 2002 till June 2009, Adderall accounted for 80%, noted Sharon.
Cats, unlike dogs, will discriminately eat things, once they take a bit and find out it is bland or not what they enjoy, they usually walk off, but when it comes to Adderall, cats won’t just be taking a bit, they will eat up every bit they could find. And this unusual attraction they find in Adderall could prove to be fatal as 20mg will cause death to an average-sized cat.
My cat ate 10mg of Adderall – what happens if a cat eats Adderall?
As soon as you discover that your cat has eaten Adderall, or is displaying symptoms of Adderall poisoning, you need to get to the vet as quickly as you can, as delay in treatment could lead to damage to the organ and even fatality.
If Your Cat Ye Adderall, you should be able to notice the clinical signs within 14 – 15 minutes, but in some cases, it may take several hours. Your cat will continue deteriorating once the symptoms begin, which is why prompt treatment is crucial.
Besides behavioral change and hyperactivity, you should notice the following symptoms, diarrhea, tremors, vomiting, and seizures.
My cat ate Adderall, Is it treatable?
While the possible effect of Adderall could be unsettling for you and your cat, the good news is that it could be treated. After your cat ingests Adderall, it should stay in the veterinary hospital until either the medication has been expelled from its system or it’s recovered.
The vet should provide your cat with drugs to calm the effects and try stabilizing the cat’s temperature. It is a rare occurrence for a cat’s organs to get damaged, but it has happened a few times, especially to the kidney.
As stated earlier, prompt care is very necessary to limit or prevent possible damage to the organs.
Read: Can Gravol Kill Your Feline Friend?
Will My Cat Die If He Eats Adderall
If your cat ate Adderall, death could occur based on a lot of factors such as the age, and size of the cat. Smaller-sized cats may experience tougher effects compared to larger cats so will aged cats in comparison with young cats.
Your cat may have to consume over 20miligram or more before fatality could occur from accidentally ingesting Adderall. Not noticing the symptoms promptly and getting timely intervention may lead to death.
How Long Does It Typically Take For A Cat To Recover From Adderall Toxicity
The time it takes for a cat to recover from Adderall toxicity can differ based on various factors like the quantity consumed, the cat’s size, age, overall health, and how quickly treatment is administered.
For milder situations, with proper care from a veterinarian, it may take a few days to a week for a cat to fully recover. However, in more serious cases, it could take several weeks or even longer.
What Can I Do To Support Their Healing Process?
If your cat is recovering from Adderall toxicity or any other type of poisoning, here are some general steps you can take to support their healing process;
Follow the guidance of your veterinarian; It’s important to carefully listen to your vet’s advice and follow the treatment plan they provide. This may involve giving medications, providing fluid therapy, and implementing other supportive measures.
Create a comfortable environment; Ensure that your cat has a peaceful and stress-free space to rest and recuperate. Minimize their exposure to potential toxins and keep them away from other pets that could cause them stress.
Monitor their progress; Keep a close watch on how your cat is doing during their recovery period. Look out for any changes in behavior, appetite, or symptoms, and promptly inform your veterinarian about these observations.
Promote hydration; Make sure that your cat stays well hydrated by providing fresh water at all times. If recommended by the vet, you might consider using a syringe to administer water orally.
Offer enticing food options; Provide easily digestible and tasty food choices to encourage your cat to eat. In certain cases, your vet may suggest a specific diet or prescribe appetite stimulants if necessary.
Properly administer medications; If medication is required for your cat’s recovery, it’s crucial to give it exactly as instructed by the veterinarian. Follow the prescribed dosage and adhere strictly to the given schedule.
During your cat’s recovery, it is essential to provide them with patience, love, and attention. Creating a calm and caring environment can greatly assist in their healing process.
Final Thoughts
Accidentally ingesting Adderall or any other harmful substance can be a really scary experience for both you and your cat.
The most important thing to do is to act quickly and get your cat to a veterinarian right away. Following the advice of your vet is essential for helping them recover. Acting early is crucial in preventing any damage to their organs and potential danger.
To avoid any future incidents, it is important to take measures to prevent your pet from accessing harmful substances such as Adderall or any other toxic materials. Make sure to securely store medications and household chemicals in a place that is out of your pet’s reach.