My Cat Killed My Rabbit: Here’s What You Should Do

It is not uncommon for cats to kill rabbits. Cats are predators, irrespective of being indoor or outdoor cats. If you watch how cats interact with their toys made of fur, they stalk and pounce on them— displaying their hunting prowess.
My cat killed my rabbit; why? Your cat killed your rabbit because of a lack of socialization with other pets. Moreover, it’s an instinct for cats to hunt down prey, and rabbit move like prey, especially rabbits you just brought to the house newly— they will run at every slightest thing, and this could trigger your cat to chase after them.
If you’re going to have a cat and a rabbit in your house, there are many things we should put in place before you start letting them stay alone unsupervised. The cats are not the only aggressive party in all situations; rabbits can get territorial too.
Cats will fight their feline buddy who visited the vet and comes back smelling differently; how much more is a bunny? If you desire to have a cat and a rabbit in your house, it is best to bring them into your home when they are both baby bunnies and kittens— in this way, they will grow together and learn to tolerate each other.
This article analyses your query, “my cat killed my rabbit.”. we have listed precautions you can take next time in case you are planning to get another rabbit. Also, you will learn how to introduce rabbits to a cat and vice versa, and every helpful tip you need in Keeping a cat and a rabbit together.
Table of Contents
- Why Did My Cat Kill My Rabbit?
- Is It Normal for Cats to Kill Rabbits?
- What Should I Do if My Cat Kills My Rabbit?
- Can rabbits and cats live together?
- How do I stop my cat killing rabbits in the Future
- Should I Get Another Rabbit?
- My Cat Killed My Rabbit: Summary
Why Did My Cat Kill My Rabbit?
There are multiple reasons why your cat will kill your rabbit. A cat that has not been neutered is more likely to be aggressive to other pets marking its territory in the process. A cat that wasn’t socialized with other animals when they were younger should not be left unsupervised with other house pets, except if they have gotten along for a long time.
Beyond the above reasons, a cat’s Instinct, nutritional needs, and size and confidence of other house pets with determining if your feline buddy will attack the pets or not. Below we will explain in detail why your cat attacked your rabbit.
The Basic Instinct of both indoor and outdoor cats is to hunt. Cats are opportunistic Hunters and go after prey smaller than them in size. If your rabbit is not his buddy, the chances that your cat will attack the rabbit becomes very high, which is why you should never let them stay unsupervised, except if they have bonded.
Cats can be very sadistic to animals that they consider prey—ever seen a cat interact with a cockroach or a mouse? They bat the cockroach around until its carcass is scattered. At the same time, they tire out the mice and eventually eat off his head. You should introduce your bunny to your cats and take all precautions possible.
You will hardly hear that your feline friend killed a bunny that it has lived with for over six months or a year. So, if my cat killed my rabbit, it has a result of errors made by introducing them at the early stage.
Size, in the first place, is a determinant if your cat is going to attack your rabbit or not. There are many stories of people saying: my cats kill my baby bunny. Baby rabbits are defenseless and smaller in size. Hence, your feline friend is an opportunistic hunter— it will stalk and kill them.
Your cat is less likely to attack a bunny bigger than it or the same size as it. Your feline friend has the teeth and claws to wreak havoc on a rabbit and is also known to cause bacterial infections that could kill your rabbit. On the other hand, rabbits are savage fighters; your cats know well not to understate their hind legs and front teeth. Cats enjoy killing baby bunnies or rabbits smaller in size.
The personality of your cat and rabbit will determine if your cat will kill your rabbit. A kitty with a strong prey drive that brings back birds, lizards, and mice will likely consider your rabbit as prey and will attack and kill them.
If You have lived with a rabbit, you will understand that some have passive personalities while Others are territorial. If anything or anybody is to step into their territory, they will likely launch an attack. Search Robert will even bite people who invade their spaces. The personalities of both the cat and rabbit decide if they will be scuffles and likely death.
It is awful to try to bond a frightened or shy rabbit with a confident cat. a frightened Rabbit ( most rabbits are scared and live this way until they get comfortable with the environment, it is an instinctive way which they’ve learned to live from the wild, always to be wary of an attack and escape if they can) we will always run. The Instinct of a confidant cat will tell it to chase after the rabbit, which may result in a predator-prey showdown.
Likewise, A confident rabbit chases a cat away from his territory but is less likely to launch an attack, except the cat refuses to leave.
Is It Normal for Cats to Kill Rabbits?

Yes, it is normal for a cat to kill a rabbit. Your kitty is an opportunity hunter, which means it would chase down mammals smaller than itself. Also, they are obligate carnivores, which means they get their entire nutrients from meats; if an opportunity presents itself, your cat to likely strike.
But if your cat will succeed in Killing the rabbits depends on the will, awareness, and strength of the rabbit. Dangers are associated with eating rabbits; rabbits are carriers of tularemia which eliminates a large portion of the rabbit population. Check your rabbit for any health issues, and also build a cat-proof enclosure for it.
Read: Are cats afraid of owls?
What Should I Do if My Cat Kills My Rabbit?
First of all, you have to be sure that it’s your cat that killed your rabbit. If you have more than one rabbit, you should know that rabbits not neutered show aggression and could kick the other rabbit to the wall of the cage, killing them in the process. Check for bites and scratches to confirm your cat is the culprit. Consider doing the following:
1. Cremate or Bury the Rabbit
It will be tough to bring yourself to throw the carcass in the waste bin. Hence, the better option is to bury the rabbit or burn its corpse. If you have other rabbits, you should let them go and say their last farewell.
2. Re-home the cat
This is another tough decision, as you would have created a bond with your cat. Things most times don’t work as we may have envisaged. So, if you feel you can’t trust the cat in the future, the best option is to find a new home for the cat.
The process of rehoming a cat can be overwhelming for the feline. Most re-homed cats end up missing the owners and becoming withdrawn and depressed.
To safely re-home your cat, give them to a loving family willing to start caregiving where you decide to stop. Or give the cat to a reliable rescue organization, but most times, these rescue homes are usually packed up already.
Can rabbits and cats live together?
Yes, but this depends on a host of things. Firstly it depends on your cat, their level of socialization, and how well they get along with other house pets. Introducing a cat to another cat can require a long process, likewise, introducing a rabbit to other rabbits or pet—requires an approach you have to give yourself—to avoid casualties.
How do I stop my cat killing rabbits in the Future
If my cat killed my rabbit, it’d be a traumatizing event for other rabbits who had to watch or for me, the owner. To prevent such an uncomfortable situation from repeating itself, you must do the following.
Build a cat-proofed enclosure
Limit openings from which your cat can access your rabbit’s cage. Ensure the holes are not big enough to support the cat’s claws or mouth. Another spot to watch out for is the top of the hatch; most people complaining that “my cat killed my rabbit” confirm the attack was launched from the top of the cage. In getting an enclosure for your cute rabbit, ensure it’s cat proofed.
Early socialization
Consider getting both the bunnies and the cats while they are still young; this is the best practice. But if you are not privileged to get the pets in their baby stages, you may want to buy a bunny that is just as big as your cat; this will reduce the likelihood of an attack on your bunny.
Don’t leave the pets unsupervised
Especially if the bunny is smaller, don’t leave the two pets unsupervised. A little thing could trigger your cat into a sadistic or angry action.
Should I Get Another Rabbit?
If you decided against rehoming the cat, you could be thinking of adding 0ne or more bunnies, and you’re unsure if the same fate will meet them.
You can get another rabbit, but you shouldn’t leave any loopholes for disaster. If the cat or rabbit shows aggression, isolate the aggressor and introduce them gradually. Better still, get a giant-sized rabbit who could put up a fight and defend itself.
My Cat Killed My Rabbit: Summary
We have come to the end of exploring the topic: my cat killed my rabbit. You know better not to leave your rabbits and cats unsupervised, especially when the bunny is small. It is an instinct for your cat to hunt after critters and insects that make scuttling movements; a single move from your bunny could trigger the cat to react.