Can Cats Have Watermelon? All You Need To Know

Can cats have watermelon? The answer is yes, but you should know a few things before feeding it to your kitty. Can cats have watermelon?
In this post, we’ll discuss the nutritional benefits of watermelon for cats and the potential risks. We’ll also give you some tips on safely feeding your cat watermelon.
Table of Contents
- Can Cats have Watermelon?
- What Are the Benefits of Watermelon for Cats?
- Is watermelon safe for cats?
- How Can I Feed Watermelon to My Cat?
- Human foods that are safe for cats
- Foods you shouldn’t give your cat.
Can Cats have Watermelon?
Yes! Watermelon is a great treat for your feline friend. It’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, although, it’s high in natural sugar. Plus, it’s a great way to keep your cat hydrated on hot days. Just be sure to seed the watermelon first, and don’t give your cat too much at once. A little bit of watermelon goes a long way!
Watermelon should never be made a basic part of your kitty’s diet, it should be offered as a treat occasionally, and it is in no way beneficial to your cat’s nutrient requirements. If unsure about your feline friend getting the complete nutrient he needs from his daily meal, you should speak with your veterinarian, they will help you draft a balanced plan that will ensure your cat is not deprived of his nutrient requirements.
What Are the Benefits of Watermelon for Cats?
Cats’ nutrient requirements are specific and must be met by whatever you feed them, their nutrient requirements are different from what we humans need. Watermelon is high in carbs, but cats don’t have a minimum daily requirement of carbohydrates. According to Dailypaws.
The easiest way you can meet your cat’s nutritional requirements is to provide your kitty with it’s a complete and balanced diet. Commercial diets formulated by certified vet-nutritionist are your best go-to.
Watermelon may have awesome nutrients that we humans can benefit from, but your cat doesn’t necessarily need watermelon, you can provide it as a treat occasionally.
Is watermelon safe for cats?
In small amounts for non-diabetic cats, watermelon is safe. But your cat is better off with high-quality cat foods that contain animal products since they are obligate carnivores.
For overweight and diabetic cats, watermelon is not safe—as watermelon has a high deposit of naturally occurring sugars. Fruits are not a natural part of your feline’s diet, it is not a safe option to feed many fruits to your cat, it will lead to diarrhea and stomach upsets.
There is also the risk of choking from the seeds of watermelon, also, if your cat should ingest much of the seeds, your kitty will likely suffer from cyanide poisoning.
How Can I Feed Watermelon to My Cat?

You can’t just give your cat a whole slice of watermelon. Cats don’t have the same digestive system as humans, so they can’t digest complex carbs as humans can. This means that watermelon can cause digestive problems for cats.
The best way to give your cat watermelon is to dice it up into small pieces and mix it in with their regular food. You can also make a little watermelon smoothie for your cat, just be sure to remove the seeds first.
The rind of watermelon can be harmful to your cat, it’s hard for your cat to chew and process, and it could also cause your cat to choke, have stomach upsets, or blockage of the intestine.
Just like my pets at home, every single cat is an individual on its own—what cat A likes could be different from what Cat B likes. Don’t force watermelon on your cat, some cats hate the smell or flavor of the watermelon—in cases like this, give it a break, try guava or Korean pears.
In giving your cats watermelon(treats), always make sure it’s only 10% or less of their diet—the other 90% should be their balance diet quality food. You should give your cat treats that we’re made with cats in mind, they are the safer options for your kitty. You could take it a notch up, and prepare some quality homemade treats for your feline friends.
Human foods that are safe for cats
Do you constantly have the urge to give your cats food other than their kibble or canned foods? Why we may innocently give our cats milk, isn’t a good idea—cats are lactose intolerant, and letting the drink milk will lead to diarrhea, upset stomach, and other things you didn’t bargain for.
While milk may be bad, there is numerous human food that is safe for you to share with your feline friend. Note: all foods that will be listed below should be given in moderation.
Most quality cat foods contain salmon. I have successfully fed raw salmon to feral cats who visit my yard, but it is not advised to feed raw salmon to the domestic kitty, cook the salmon thoroughly before giving your feline friend. Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein.
Banana is a safe and healthy treat you could feed your pet, but it should be occasionally. Don’t give your kitty a full banana or half bananas. Dice the banana into bits, and be ready for your cat to reject the treat, since some cats may not like bananas.
The majority of cats may not tolerate lactose, this is why you shouldn’t give them milk. However, some cheese is okay for you to give your kitty as treats, once in a while. Harder cheese such as cheddar. are better for cats. You could give a small bit of the cheese as treats or add them to your cat’s homemade treats.
Some high-quality commercial cat folds contain blueberries, surprised? This fruit is usually irresistible for my cat, I could easily toss her one or two without any issues. You can also freeze some, my cats love frozen blueberries.
Can’t have tuna, but tuna packed in water is preferable over tuna packed in oil. Tuna is used to stimulate appetite in an unwell cat, but you could occasionally swap tuna for cat foods. Never use tuna as a permanent replacement for your cat’s diet. Tuna lacks the complete nutrient requirement of your cat.
Turkey serves numerous purposes, for cats that don’t like their teeth to be brushed, you can give them turkey necks—it usually helps you clean a cat’s teeth without the use of a toothbrush. As treats, give your kitty cooked turkey breast that has not been spiced, you can also give your cat the heart of the turkey, which contains lots of taurines.
If your cat has suffered from calcium oxalate bladder stones, don’t give it spinach, Asides from that, spinach is vitamin-rich, and it’s a health treatment option for your feline friend.
Raw and frozen peas are safe for a cat to eat but avoid the pods. You can cat to start eating peas by introducing them slowly in your cat’s meals, adding little amounts, and increasing them to your vet’s advice. Slowly introducing foods gives your kitty’s digestive system enough time to adjust to the food.
Asides from peas, all foods should be slowly introduced to your cat, ensure to discuss dietary changes with your vet, so you don’t interfere with any ongoing medications or spur already existing medical conditions in your cat.
Foods you shouldn’t give your cat.
1. Grapes and resins
Of course, you’re aware that grapes and raisins are poisonous to cats. Grapes are more dangerous than chocolate, and will eventually destroy your cat’s kidneys. Make sure your pet never eats grapes or resin, as they can cause immediate harm in most cases.
2. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits contain acids that can upset a cat’s stomach. Because these acids can harm your cat’s teeth, it’s best to avoid giving them citrus fruits at all. Citrus fruits contain essential oil extracts such as limonene and linalool, which is why they are toxic to cats. The first signs are usually gastrointestinal upsets.
3. Apple seeds
Apple seeds contain cyanide, a dangerous toxin. Your cat may be able to tolerate a small amount of cyanide, but it is not good for them in the long run.
Too much cyanide in the body can lead to organ failure and even death. So keep your cat away from apple seeds and other cyanide-containing fruits.
4. Apricot
Apricots should be avoided by your cat. The apricot pit kernel contains cyanide, which is toxic to cats. Cyanide, in small doses, can cause your cat to vomit or have diarrhea. In higher concentrations, it can be fatal.
Can cats eat watermelon? – Final Thoughts
Yes, cats can eat watermelon, but only as a very occasional treat. Watermelon is high in sugar and may not be nutritionally balanced enough to be a staple part of your cat’s diet.
However, if you’re looking for a fun way to mix up your cat’s diet and you know they love watermelon, feel free to give it the special snack now and then. Just make sure to follow the serving size guidelines so your cat doesn’t eat too much and end up with an upset stomach.