Can Cats Eat Raisin Bran? Risks And Solutions

Bran flakes are versatile in my kitchen, as I use them not just for breakfast, but to bake muffins for my lovely kids. Bran flakes without raisins are great in preventing heart attack and type 2 diabetes.
Can cats eat bran raisin? No, cats shouldn’t eat bran raisins. The bran flakes are not harmful to your cat’s health, but the high fiber content could irritate its stomach. Also, the raisins in little amounts will cause your cat to develop illness, and even lead to kidney failure.
My cat is notorious for knocking down boxes of cereals from my kitchen pantry; most time, he is not necessarily interested in the content, he is just a curious little thief(taking my cereals without my permission), and he’ll nibble on a few and that’s. In this article, you’ll learn everything about cats and raisin bran, precautionary measures, and how to resolve issues that may arise.
Table of Contents
- Can Cats eat Raisin Bran
- Why Are Raisins Toxic to Cats
- Symptoms of Raisin Bran Poisoning in Cats
- Treatment of Raisin Poisoning in Cats
- Recovery of Raisin Poisoning in Cats
- Prevention Measures to Keep Cats from Eating Raisin bran
- Is Raisin Bran Bad for Cats?
- Can Cats Have Raisin Bran? – Final Thoughts
Can Cats eat Raisin Bran
Cats can eat cereals technically, but it is not recommended for you to feed your cat cereals. Cereals are not harmful to your feline friend, cereals won’t cause any adverse health issues, and there won’t be any need to rush your cat to a vet’s place after consuming cereals.
The issue with cereals is that; they are not beneficial to your cat. Your cat doesn’t need oats or whole grains—they are of no benefit to your furry friend. They need meat and just that! Although many cat owners think the fiber in bran flakes can be beneficial to their cats, cats don’t need grain-based fiber in their diets.
Cats can consume cereals, but they should never be allowed to eat raisins or anything that has raisins in them. Also, another issue related to cereals is the sugar content, cats can taste sugar, but sugar can cause diarrhea and hurt your cat’s stomach.
Your cat may digest grains and vegetables, leading to a gassy and bloated stomach with pains. While a little bran flakes without raisins may not hurt, you should stick to meat, fatty acids, taurine, and other animal-based proteins for your cat’s nutrient needs.
Why Are Raisins Toxic to Cats
Raisins are extremely toxic to felines, in little amounts, raisins could cause seizures, while a bit more than little could cause kidney failures. Vets list both grapes and raisins to be very bad for your cat, but raisins are more terrible than grapes. Raisins are more concentrated making them more dangerous.
I have been unfortunate to mistakenly leave raisins on the table, can’t figure the amount my ragdoll cat ate, but the reaction scared the shit out of me, I thought that was going to be the end, I got on an emergency call with my vet—where we were able to work out a little solution, I’ll be letting you in on what I did to help my cat recover at the later part of the post.
Raisins are more toxic to your cats than grapes are, if you can, get your cat to the vet as soon as you notice they have consumed raisins in raisin bran and you notice any of the symptoms listed in the section below.
Symptoms of Raisin Bran Poisoning in Cats

Recognizing the symptoms and signs of raisin bran poisoning in cats will enable you to take needed action. The major symptoms to look out for are:
- Excessive urination
- Diarrhea
- Dehydration
- Meowing in pain
- Lack of appetite
- Lethargy
- Little movements
- Little or no urination
Before it becomes too late, get your cat to your local vet if you notice any of these symptoms. In absence of emergency care, these symptoms could progress into renal failure or death. Hence, be hasty in getting help.
Treatment of Raisin Poisoning in Cats
Just like with all cases of poisoning, to ensure chances of little to no damage to your pet’s organs, prompt treatment is important Treatment for raisin poisoning is more of supportive care and decontamination since there is no treatment for raisin poison.
Supportive care and Hospitalization
In serious cases of raisin poisoning, the vet will likely hospitalize your cat for a minimum of 48 hours. Within this period the toxins will be flushed out of your cat’s system with the help of IV fluids—aiding healthy kidney function.
For two to three days, blood tests are necessary to monitor and access the kidney function, until normalcy is restored. Depending on the situation, medications may be required.
Decontaminating the cat
In most scenarios, the basic step is to induce vomiting in the cat with medication made for that purpose. This will help take away toxins from your pet’s body, never carry this procedure out without the aid of your veterinarian.
Activated charcoal binds to remnant toxins in your cat’s system, and absorbs them. Your vet will administer this medication orally, ensuring the protection of your feline friend’s gastrointestinal tract.
Recovery of Raisin Poisoning in Cats
The time it will take for your cat to recover from raisin poisoning depends on how severe the poisoning was. 48 hours of hospitalization and fluid therapy is basic, accompanied by kidney function checks. In a case where kidney damage occurs, a longer duration of hospitalization will be required.
There is little information available about raisin poisoning in cats, the best thing you could do for your cat is to ensure they don’t consume raisin bran. Ensure to also keep currants and grapes out of the reach of your cat, and also avoid giving your fur buddy foods or pies baked with raisins. You should know raisin poisoning is costly to treat.
Prevention Measures to Keep Cats from Eating Raisin bran
Now you know the consequence of cats and raisin bran, you need to ensure it’s either sealed in a tight container or your find a way of denying your cat access to resin bran. Cats are escape and discovery artists, you have to think like these sneaky creatures, in other to keep them safe.
The majority of cat owners on forums have described their cats as apathetic towards raisins, your cat may not eat raisin bran, but it’s good to prevent any such scenery. Instead of cereals and grains, you should give your cat chicken thighs or turkey neck; turkey necks will help keep your cat’s breath fresh.
Minimize how Much Raisins Bran you Eat In The Presence of Your cat
This is very important, there are chances you could drop some raisin bran on the floor since they’re small in size. Your cat could snag on the dropped piece—leading to accidental poisoning. Be more responsible.
Store Your Raisin Bran cereals in tight containers or completely out of your cats reach
My cat is good at turning over packs of cereals, so I hide them in my pantry and keep the door locked 24/7. If you’re going to leave your cereals in your kitchen, consider getting containers, turn the raisin bran, and seal when done.
Feed your Cat Other Snacks instead
When you eat, your cat will want to be part of the eating fest, instead of handing him some raising, you should provide other alluring snacks your cat will love to munch on. Here are a few alternative to raisin bran
Cat-Friendly Alternatives to Raisins
Giving your kitty a healthy snack is a great way to show her some love,

Pumpkins are a great, safe alternative to raisins. They’re high in vitamins A and C, and they’re a good source of fiber. Plus, they’re low in calories and fat. Dr. Angelo Maggiolo, medical director of the County Animal Clinic in Yonkers, New York, recommends pumpkin to resolve constipation in cats.
Your cat will love them because they’re soft, easy to chew, and a little bit sweet. Just be sure to remove the seeds and the pulp before giving them to your cat.

Broccoli is high in fiber and antioxidants, and it’s also low in calories. Plus, cats love the taste of broccoli, so your furry friend will be happy to snack on it.
Another plus? Broccoli is easy to store and doesn’t spoil quickly, making it a perfect snack for on-the-go kitties.

Well, how about spinach? It’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and it’s a great source of fiber. Plus, cats love it! You can either feed your cat spinach straight up or mix it in with her regular food.
Another safe alternative to raisins is cooked chicken. Just make sure it’s boneless and skinless so your kitty doesn’t choke on any bones or skin. And avoid giving her processed meats like bacon or sausage, as these can be high in fat and sodium.
Your kitty will be happy and healthy with any of these cat-friendly alternatives to raisins!

Credit @istockphoto
Cut them into small pieces so your cat can easily chew them, and make sure to wash them thoroughly first. You can also give your cat cooked, unsalted chicken or fish.
As with any new food, introduce these treats gradually, and keep an eye on your cat to make sure they’re not allergic. And remember—only give your cat treats in moderation. Too many treats can lead to weight gain and other health problems.
Green bell peppers

Green bell peppers are a great option. They’re low in calories and high in fiber, which is great for keeping your kitty’s digestive system healthy.
Plus, they’re full of antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin A—all of which are important for keeping your cat healthy and strong. So next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up a few green bell peppers to give to your furry friend.

They’re a great source of protein and Vitamin C, and cats love them. Just put a few in a small dish and your cat will be happy as can be. You can feed your cat both fresh and frozen peas, but avoid canned peas, as they have a high sodium content
Another option is to give your cat some cooked shrimp or salmon. Both are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for cats’ skin and fur. And both tastes are sure to please your kitty’s palate.
Is Raisin Bran Bad for Cats?
It’s no surprise that raisins bran are bad for cats. They can be downright poisonous, as a result of the presence of raisins.
Raisin bran is a popular breakfast cereal, but it’s not a good choice for your kitty. One cup of raisin bran has more than 25 grams of sugar, and that’s not good news for a cat. Sugar can cause liver damage and even death in felines.
Can Cats Have Raisin Bran? – Final Thoughts
Raisins are not good for cats and shouldn’t be given to your kitty. Raisin has no benefits for cats and will only cause severe reactions. Raisins are concentrated, making them harmful to your pet.
In cases of poisoning, it’s always best to check with your veterinarian to be sure, since every cat will react differently, depending on the level of toxicity.