Can Cats Eat Korean Pears? | Apple Pear | Asian Pear

Can cats eat Korean pears? Cats can eat Korean pears. Korean pears embody the health benefits of both pears and apples. This crunchy fruit belongs to the sweet category of pears— shaped like apples. These Asian pears are very safe for your cats if given to them in the right way.
Korean pear, apple pear or Asian fruit, has been a traditional gift for Asians partly because of its high price and long shelf life. It will excite you that these pears are used for a wide range of services, from sweeteners to meat tenderizers (as it contains enzymes that react with the proteins).
In this article, you will be learning everything you need to know about your cats and Korean pears. Health benefits, preparing pears for cats, possible risks involved in giving your cats Korean pears, and complete nutritional facts.
Table of Contents
- What are Korean pears?
- Can cats eat Korean pears?
- Are Korean pears bad for cats?
- What Are the Benefits of Feeding Korean Pears to Cats?
- How to Prepare Korean Pears for Cats?
- Are There Any Risks Associated With Feeding Korean
- Can cats eat Asian Pears – Final thoughts
What are Korean pears?
Korean pears are also known as Japanese pear, Asian pear, apple pears, Taiwanese pear, Chinese pear, and the three halves pear. These sweet pears grow in an apple shape and are a popular fruit amongst east Asians—although it has since spread and cultivated in other countries such as; New Zealand, Nepal, Australia, and the United States.
Beyond the lovely taste and heritage of the Asian pear, the leaves also serve as an early indicator of early spring—a common sighting in the countryside and gardens. The water content of this fruit makes it ineligible to be made into jams or baked in pies. Notwithstanding, there are multiple vitamin values of this 0% cholesterol fruit—which we will cover in subsequent headings.
Can cats eat Korean pears?
Cats can eat Korean pears in moderation, and they could serve as fabulous treats used in cat training. However, you should be aware that just like apples and peaches, the seeds of Asian pears can be toxic to your cats if consumed in large quantities, but it is unlikely you’ll be able to feed your cat the amount —that could lead to crisis.
The best part of the Korean pear to feed a cat is the fleshy part of the pears. Try as much as possible and avoid giving your cat canned pears; canned pears contain sugar syrup—which is bad for your cat.
If your cat has been diagnosed with diabetes, I will advise you to feed him Korean pears or similar fruits as treats—it is the best thing to do for your cat as its anthocyanin properties help increase your cat’s chances of fighting off diabetes. Also, if your cat has metabolic issues such as hyperthyroidism, you will be better off discussing the treats you give the cat–with your vet.
Are Korean pears bad for cats?

In small quantities, Korean pears are not bad for cats. Korean pears contain fiber which can help seniors with digestive issues; it is also suitable for young cats. However, you should note that too much fiber is counter-effective, as it will lead to diarrhea.
Korean pears are known for their cancer-fighting properties, like most other pears. In as much as pears are reasonable, you should be aware that the seeds and kennels of pears, apples, and apricot contain (amygdalin), a naturally occurring toxin that reacts with stomach enzymes to release a poison called cyanide—which can be pretty fatal to cats.
The above statement makes it clear why you should remove seeds before feeding the pears to your cat. Also, wash the pears thoroughly—to remove traces of pesticides and other contaminants. From dealings with my cat, I learned that cats don’t fancy the peel that much; you should take off the peel before handing the pear to your cat—if they won’t eat it with the peel, but be aware that the peel contains fiber.
What Are the Benefits of Feeding Korean Pears to Cats?
Korean pear is a fruit I have enjoyed since childhood, I can never get over the alluring taste, and I wonder why my cat also loves eating Korean pears(cats don’t taste sugar), the sides being delicious; here are the health benefits of Asian pears according to scientists.
1. Promote Gut Health
Your cat’s gut plays a pivotal role in his general wellness and happiness, from immune to digestion. Korean pears contain soluble and insoluble fiber, which are non-negotiable regarding digestive health. These fibers help maintain regular bowel movements by bulking and softening the cat’s stool.
Our cats love to play with roaches and other bugs, multiplying the presence of harmful bacteria and parasites in the cat’s gut. Soluble fiber feeds good bacteria in the cat’s hearts; this is why pears are known as probiotics, assisting seamless aging and immunity in cats.
2. Possess anti-inflammatory properties
Korean pear has anti-inflammatory properties that could help your cat. Inflammation is usually a response from the cat’s immune system, but the inflammation should not be left to linger long as it could result in type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Asian pears are great flavonoid antioxidants, effectively fighting inflammation and preventing disease.
Also, Korean pears harbor vitamins c, k, and copper, which are known to fight against inflammation.
3. Help to control blood sugar
Dietary fiber helps your data body to manage its blood sugar level perfectly. Unlike simple sugar, dietary fiber is absorbed into the cat’s body more slowly, aiding insulin in effectively handling blood sugar swings, and is helpful for cats with type two diabetes.
4. It helps prevent certain types of cancer in cats
The vitamin c content of Korean pears helps reduce the risk of developing certain cancer types; colon and prostate cancers have shown depletion with the use of antioxidants. The work of the antioxidants is to neutralize free radicals that could damage your cat’s cells:—causing cancer in the process.
5. Helps prenatal health
Korean pears are a great source of folic acids, also known as folate. Folic acid helps the cat’s body to build new cells and reproduce DNA. It is generally recommended to supplement your cat’s folic acid intake—this can be made easy by including Korean pear in the cat’s diet.
What Nutrients Do Korean Pears Contain?

Calories 51 | From fat 2.5 |
Total fat | 0.3g |
Sodium | 0mg |
Cholesterol | 0mg |
Potassium | 148mg |
Protein | 0.6g |
Total carbohydrates | 13g |
Vitamin chat
Vitamins | Quantity
Thiamine (B1) |
0.009 mg |
Riboflavin (B2) |
0.01 mg |
Niacin (B3) |
0.219 mg |
Pantothenic acid (B5) |
0.07 mg |
Vitamin B6 |
0.022 mg |
Folate (B9) |
8 μg |
Choline |
5.1 mg |
Vitamin C |
3.8 mg |
Vitamin E |
0.12 mg |
Vitamin K |
4.5 μg |
The vitamin chat of Korean pear |
Minerals contained in Asian pear also include calcium 4mg, magnesium 8mg, manganese 0.6mg, and phosphorus 11mg.
How to Prepare Korean Pears for Cats?
Korean pears are in season from September through no ember. You will see the pears abundantly through the fall. The pear will be available at Asian stores and some US superstores. Asian pears are juicy and will stay so for long periods in the refrigerators.
To serve Korean pears to your cats, you must first wash the pear thoroughly —cleansing the residue of pesticides and fertilizers that may be present. Using clean water and vinegar, you will quickly get rid of these chemicals from the pear.
There is no point trying to feed your cat Korean pear whole; you need to chop the pear into bits to make it easier for your cat to chow down. Using a knife, cut the pear into two and get rid of the kennel and seeds, then cut the pear into desired chunks.
It would help if you did not give your cats canned pears since storage of canned pears includes immersion in sugar syrups—which are terrible for cats. Ensure you moderate the intake of Korean pears by your cat; it should never headline your cat’s diet—it should be used as a treat sparingly.
Are There Any Risks Associated With Feeding Korean
Possible risks could stem from feeding or preparing to feed Korean pears to your cat.
- The risk of pesticide poisoning, the pesticides used in preventing pests from ravaging the pear areas —could still be present on the pear—if not washed properly, the pear could cause gastrointestinal distress for your cat.
- Your cat could choke on large chinks of pear; this is why we advised cutting the pear into bits—that could easily be swallowed by your cat.
- When the seeds go into the guts, you have the issue of cyanide to deal with; exactly why you shouldn’t include seeds of any fruit on the menu.
- I didn’t find many reports on pear allergies in cats; this suggests that it is uncommon in cats. However, you cannot be so sure if your cat may have an allergy or not.
- Like a host of other fruits, avoid giving your cat leaves and stems of Korean pear, as it could cause gastrointestinal obstruction and distress.
Other fruits your cat can eat
- Apples without the seed
- Strawberry
- Banana
- Seedless watermelon
Fruits your cat needs to avoid
1. Grapes and Raisins
Of course, you know that grapes and raisins are toxic to cats. Grapes are more harmful than chocolate, eventually costing your cat its kidneys. Ensure your furry friend never eats grapes or resin, as they do instant damage in most cases.
2. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain acids that can cause stomach problems in cats. These acids can also harm your cat’s teeth, so it’s best to avoid giving them citrus fruits altogether. Essential oil extracts such as limonene and linalool are present in citrus fruits—this is why citrus fruits are toxic to cats. Gastrointestinal upsets are usually the first signs.
3. Apple Seeds
Apple seeds contain a harmful toxin called cyanide. Your cat might be able to stomach a bit of cyanide, but it’s not good for them in the long run.
Ingesting too much cyanide can cause organ failure and even death. So ensure you keep your cat away from apple seeds and other fruits containing cyanides.
4. Apricots
Your cat needs to avoid apricots. The kernel of the apricot pit contains cyanide, which is poisonous to cats. In small doses, cyanide can cause your cat to vomit or have diarrhea. In more significant amounts, it can be fatal.
5. Cherry Pits
You might not know this, but cherries have pits in them. And, as it turns out, those pits can be dangerous for your cat.
The problem with cherry pits is that they also contain cyanide. And even a tiny amount of cyanide can be lethal to a cat. So if you’re giving your cat cherries, remove the pits first.
6. Peach Pits
Peach pits are poisonous to cats. And while a little bit might not kill them, it can make them sick. So if you’re giving your cat a piece of fruit, make sure it doesn’t have a pit. So always be careful when you’re giving your cat a snack—make sure it’s something they can safely eat.
Just as humans need to avoid certain foods for their safety, cats must avoid certain fruits. While most fruits are safe for cats, a few can be harmful.
If you’re ever in doubt about whether a fruit is safe for your cat, consult your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will be able to help you create a diet that is safe and healthy for your cat.
Can cats eat Asian Pears – Final thoughts
We have come to the end of fantastic exploration of Korean pears and cats. Your cat deserves the best they could get, so you should constantly ensure you won’t cut your case life short—by giving them fruits or folds that will lead to organ failure.
Korean pear| Asian fruits are delicious and premium treats for your cats; your cat shouldn’t always have this pear in their diets since they won’t provide the cat the whole nutrient it needs, but it is a cholesterol-free treat that could be used in rewarding good behaviors in your cat.
Give your cat some pear and let us know how it turned out. As we would like to share in your lovely story, my cat loves Korean pear, and I wonder why( im like, hey, I thought you couldn’t taste sugar, what’s the frenzy for?)